Diana Driscoll, OD

Verified Amazon Review

“I have now ordered my 3rd bottle of Parasym plus™. My quality of life is gradually continuing to improve! Here are areas I’m seeing improvement even since the last bottle:
-Digestion/regularity (no constipation and way less diarrhea.)
-No gallbladder attacks
-My body’s stress level has greatly improved (the constant buzzing is mostly gone!)
-Better recovery from activities/less fatigue! (More spoons and better quality spoons) (Google spoon theory)
-Fewer histamine responses!! (I was even able to cut back on my histamine blockers a bit!)
-My sleep quality is still improving
-Mental clarity is starting to come back
-My hamstrings are not so tight (I was taking ibuprofen each night to sleep because my legs hurt so bad. That’s no longer the case!)”

Verified Amazon Review

“Found these to be quite helpful and had my mom try them because she has so many of the same issues. The other day she was saying how she doesn’t think supplements work, they’re all a bunch of hooey, but then she stopped herself and said – except those Parasym Plus™, those really seem to work.”

Diana Driscoll, OD

Founder, Dr. Diana Driscoll, an optometrist, is the President of Genetic Disease Investigators, LLC – a research corporation devoted to helping people affected by “invisible illnesses”. Dr. Driscoll and her children were struck down by a condition deemed to be invisible — Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (“POTS”) with ME/CFS (“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”). Her young son missed almost three years of school and Dr. Driscoll and was disabled for over a decade with this poorly understood condition. Through her research, the true underlying causes of their illnesses were located and successfully treated. Fourteen years later, she is now the Clinical Director of POTS Care — the only POTS Clinic focused on searching for the underlying cause of POTS, and treating it at its source.

Dr. Driscoll graduated summa cum laude from both The University of Houston College of Optometry and The University of Texas at Austin. She is a member of the Medical Advisory Board for EDS Network C.A.R.E.S., the International Society of Neurovascular Disease, the American Headache Society, the American Optometric Association, the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society, and served as a medical advisor for the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation.


Professional Experience

2015 – present, Clinical Director, POTS Care, PLLC

2011 – present, President, Genetic Disease Investigators, LLC



Lifetime Member, American Optometric Association

Member, International Society of Neurovascular Disease

Member, American Headache Society

Member, Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society

Medical Advisory Board, EDS Network C.A.R.E.S.


Peer-reviewed Abstracts

Acetazolamide as a Medical Treatment Option for Patients with Neurodegenerative Disease, Driscoll DL, Code W Feb. 2012

Vascular Fundus Changes Observed in Patients with a High Probability of CCSVI, Driscoll DL, Francomano CA, Driscoll RA, Feb. 2012

Cardiac Effects in the Multiple Sclerosis Patient, Driscoll DL, Francomano CA, Driscoll RA, Feb. 2012


Clinical Trials – Genetic Disease Investigators, LLC

Head Circumference Growth in Children with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Who Develop Dysautonomia Later in Life, NCT#01367977

Head Circumference Growth in Children Who Develop Multiple Sclerosis Later in Life, NCT#01377805

Vascular Fundus Changes in Patients with High Probability Of Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency, NCT#01356134



The Driscoll Theory – The Cause of POTS in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and How to Reverse the Process, Drs. Diana Driscoll, De, Doherty, Ferreira, Meglathery, and Pazun

Your Eyes and EDS – Exploring the Ocular Effects of Ehlers- Danlos Syndrome, Diana Driscoll, OD

The Driscoll Theory – Part 1 and Part 2 – The Role of External Communicating Hydrocephalus, Mast Cell Disease and CCSVI as the Cause of POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Diana Driscoll, OD

Ophthalmology Medical Resource Guide, Diana Driscoll, OD, for the advisory panel of The Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation


Professional Publications

Optometric Management, 1999

American Optometric Association News, 1999

Review of Optometry, 1999

Optometry News, 1983


Lectures and Speaking

The Vagus Nerve and Your Health with Dr. Diana Driscoll, Wellness Warriors Podcast, Jan. 2020

Dr. Diana Driscoll’s Experience With POTS and Never Giving Up Hope, Chronically Healing Podcast, Jan. 2020

A Unique Approach to Treating Chronic Illness and POTS Patients, Beyound Your Diagnosis Podcast, Dec. 2019

What You Don’t Know About The Vagus Nerve, TheChiefLife.com, Dec. 2019

Living With a Chronic Invisible Illness, LyndaGriparic.com, Nov. 2019

Vagus Nerve Dysfunction, LymeNinjaRadio.com, Nov. 2019

Invisible Illness, POTS, + The Vagus Nerve, AutoImmuneTribe.com, Nov. 2019

Is It the Vagus Nerve?, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Oct. 2019

Healing POTS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; Neurochemical Support for the Vagus Nerve, CraniosacralPodcast.com, Oct. 2019

The Effect of Stress on the Parasympathetic Side of the Autonomic System, DoctorJKrauseND.com, Oct. 2019

A Little-Known Secret To Fix Your Vagus Nerve, BenGreenfieldFitness.com, July 2019

The Relationship Between the Vagus Nerve and Chronic Illness, DrChristineSchaffner.com, Aug. 2019

Reversing Chronic Disease By Fixing The Vagus Nerve, HealCircle.org, Aug. 2019

Chronic/Invisible Illness and The Vagus Nerve, BetterHealthGuy.com, April 2019

Chronic Dry Eyes – What did we miss?, The Dry Eye Institute of America, Dec. 2016

Vagus Nerve and POTS/ Mast Cell Activation, HealingHistamine.com, Aug. 2016

POTS: What Have We Been Missing?, The University of Houston College, Of Optometry, Dallas EDS Support Group, Austin EDS Support Group, Aug. 2015

Keynote Speaker, Hydrocephalus Adult and Pediatric Conference, July 2014

The Ocular Effects of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, EDS Awareness – webinar, Oct. 2013

Your Eyes and EDS – Truth or Myth?, Dallas EDS Support Group, Oct. 2013

Vascular Fundus Changes Observed in Patients With EDS, American Optometric Association, June 2012

CCSVI: The Eyes Have It, International Society for Neurovascular Disease, Feb. 2012

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis – Is there a Connection?, Global CCSVI Expo Co-presenter – Dr. Clair Francomano, Nov. 2011

Bold Proposals for Medical Management of CCSVI, New Discoveries, New Beginnings – A CCSVI Research and Education Forum, Sept. 2011

Clinical Trials – New Thoughts on CCSVI and M.S., The Second Annual CCSVI Symposium, July 2011

Your Eyes and EDS, Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation Convention, July 2006

Call-in Questions about your vision, WOAI – radio station, 1992

Eyes as You Age, Good Morning Austin – TV station, 1990



Doctorate of Optometry, University of Houston, Summa Cum Laude

Bachelor of Arts, The University of Texas at Austin, Summa Cum Laude


Patent Award

May 2016 – Patent # 9,271,953 issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Abstract: The present invention includes compositions and methods for treating certain conditions, at least one of autonomic dysfunctions or vascular diseases.

Properties: When ingredients are combined precisely as described, effective vagus nerve stimulation occurs, restoring parasympathetic nervous system function despite any genetic abnormalities in the pathway for making acetylcholine.

March 2019: Patent # 10,238,673 B2 issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Abstract: The present inventions includes compositions and methods for treating certain conditions such as dry eye and dry mouth.

Properties: When ingredients are combined precisely as described, basal tear and saliva production are restored via stimulation of the lacrimal nerve to produce tears, and stimulation of the vagus nerve to help control inflammation that causes dry eyes.



Licensed Optometrist, Texas Optometry Board

Certified Therapeutic Optometrist, Texas Optometry Board

Optometric Glaucoma Specialist, Texas Optometry Board



Nominee – Tribute to Champions of Hope, Global Genes Allies in Rare Disease

Albert Schweitzer Award, The University of Texas at Austin

Foundation of Excellence Award, Texas Association of Optometrists

Ave Custos Oculi Award – Outstanding Achievement in Contact Lens Studies, University of Houston College of Optometry

Excellence in Optics Award, University of Houston College of Optometry

Excellence in Pathology Award, University of Houston College of Optometry

Barnes-Hind Hydrocurve Contact Lens Award, University of Houston College of Optometry

Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Chi, Phi Kappa Phi, Beta Beta Beta, Honor fraternities – The University of Texas at Austin

Beta Sigma Kappa (honor fraternity), University of Houston College of Optometry


Download Dr. Diana Driscoll’s CV